How to Test a Galvanic Isolator
OK… you’ve fitted a Galvanic isolator, but how do you know it’s working?
Our Galvanic isolators are extremely reliable, so you can be confident it’s doing its work, protecting anything metallic that’s under water, including your boat’s hull, (if it’s metal of course). But, at the same time, it’s also saving your prop’, anodes, saildrive etc.
You CAN test a Galvanic isolator, and there are two ways to do it. Either way, the Galvanic Isolator must be disconnected from the boats wiring, (or you’ll be testing the boat’s electrics as well as the isolator).
One way is to use a multimeter set to the “Diode” range. This is a very simple test, but some cheap multimeters aren’t able to produce a high enough test Voltage, so may be unsuitable.
A better way, if your isolator has indicator lights fitted is to make up a simple test rig that uses a small (and safe) electric current to test your isolator. That’s a little too much to go into here, but there’s an article on our website that shows you exactly what to do, and how to do it. You’ll find the article at the link <HERE>.
For more information on our range of Galvanic Isolators, please click <HERE>