Galvanic Isolators protect boats!
Your boat is probably worth many thousands of pounds/euros/dollars, and it doesn’t matter which currency you use, it makes sense to protect her. A boat without Galvanic current protection is at the mercy of corrosion currents that can cause serious (and costly) damage. Our Galvanic Isolators are designed to protect your boat’s hull, outboards and and stern gear from being eaten away by corrosion due to Galvanic Currents.
• A galvanic isolator can help!
Whether your boat is on a Canal, River or Ocean, a galvanic isolator can help you keep your boat safe from Galvanic currents. Our galvanic isolator models are professionally manufactured in the UK, and are fully CE, WEEE & RoHS compliant. We are boaters ourselves, and use our products to protect OUR own boat.
Welcome to the Galvanic Isolator Company!!

Galvanic Isolators for Canal Boats
Enjoy your boat with peace of mind, knowing that Galvanic Corrosion isn't silently eating away at her hull. Our Galvanic Isolators offer a high degree of protection against both Galvanic and DC Leakage currents, regardless of your boat's length or beam, you can rest assured that it's well protected from corrosion.
Fitting a Galvanic Isolator
Plug-in Galvanic Isolators are incredibly easy to fit. As a matter of fact, you don't even need tools or any electrical knowledge, and it only takes a few seconds.

Galvanic Isolators on Wooden & GRP Hulls
Whilst the hulls of GRP and wooden craft are not directly affected by Galvanic corrosion, the stern gear, such as outdrives, outboard motors, propellers etc., definitely are.
Galvanic & stray currents
When your boat's moored, and connected to a shore supply, Galvanic & stray currents can have a devastating effect on her underwater metal parts This is can be even worse because many of the parts that make up stern gear are made of “soft” metals, such a s aluminium, brass etc.. which corrodes easily.

Galvanic corrosion at Sea
Galvanic corrosion is generally not an issue when you're at sea, but when you're moored, your connection to an electricity supply creates an easy path for Galvanic and leakage currents to flow, corroding the hull and sacrificial anodes of steel vessels, and the stern gear on GRP & wooden craft.
Galvanic Corrosion when Docked
When you're docked, and using an electric hook-up, highly damaging Galvanic currents can flow in the hook-up cable. Fortunately, a Galvanic isolator can prevent this kind of damage, so you can enjoy your boating on the water AND when she's docked.