Here are a few links you might like.
If you’d like us to link to you, we’ll be happy to. Just send us your info, and we’ll include you. Reciprocal link appreciated….

SolarRight Free Energy <HERE>
Not a boaty link, but with energy prices out of control, there’s never been a better time to “Go Solar” at home as well as on board…

Narrowboat Bits & Bobs <HERE>
A Facebook “Sales” page dedicated to NB equipment

Boats & Bits, Advice & Tips UK <HERE>
A UK Facebook page to Chat, Buy & Sell boaty stuff

Boats & Boating Accessories <HERE>
“Looking for all things boating from junk motors to life jackets?
Your simplest part can be someone else’s Big catch”

Narrowboat Marketplace <HERE>
“The best place to advertise narrowboats, parts and services available in the uk“

Cruising The Cut <HERE>
Possibly the best Canal based Video Blog out there