Earth Leakage on Boats

Every boat that plugs into an electric hook up should have Galvanic isolation to prevent potentially catastrophic corrosion. Most people know that. But it's even MORE important to know if your boat has earth Leakage problems.

galvanic isolation transformerThat's because Earth Leakage is much more damaging than Galvanic currents. It's caused by  things like chaffed cables or moisture ingress, but more and more, it's from "Tech" equipment like battery chargers, TV's etc. The electronics in these appliances can generate a "Signal" that's picked up by the boat's wiring, and conducted to earth in the form of leakage. This can happen even  if the equipment is not actually faulty.

Our Extra Protection  models have warning lights that constantly monitor your boat's earthing system, and warn you instantly if you have Earth Leakage. So you can resolve the problem, before it has time to do some REAL damage. 

galvanic corrosion on narrow boat galvanic isolator is the solution

Propeller Damaged by Earth Leakage

The damage can be severe, like corrosion of the boat's hull and prop'. Also, driveshafts and bearings can be badly affected. And this kind of damage happens FAST. We're not talking about years here - or even months... Pitting can start in days. We've seem props go from brand new to ruined in 3 months.

NO Electrician needed! DIY in SECONDS

You don't need an electrician to fit our plug in Galvanic isolators - simply plug it on to either end of your electric hook up cable.

There's much more information on the model's own page.

For more info, please click HERE