New Galvanic Isolator Model – Just Released
Galvanic Isolators sound complicated. But they’re not. They simply protect your boat by stopping hull corrosion caused by Galvanic currents in the electric hook-up cable. Simple as that. Every boat has Galvanic currents if it’s plugged into an electric hook up.
Our Galvanic Isolators are really easy to fit, In fact, if you can put a plug on, you can probably fit one of our simple wire in Galvanic Isolators.
There are just two wires to connect, and you certainly won’t be playing with live electricity.
Protect your boat with a fast and easy job that we guarantee will stop corrosion caused by Galvanic Currents in your hook-up cable.
The introductory price is just £44.95 and they are in stock now. Buy direct – it’s even cheaper than on eBay!
For more info, please click <HERE>