Galvanic Corrosion is a fact of life. It's a chemical action that can corrode the underwater metalwork and propeller of a boat in no time.

when to fit a galvanic isolatorEvery boat that's connected to an electric hook up is vulnerable to Galvanic Corrosion, and it can do £££ worth of damage to a boat, leading to rapid anode use, re-plating, damage to stern gear, outboard legs etc.

Some of the worst cases of corrosion are only picked up at Survey Time, or when the boat comes out of the water for maintenance. Most people only think of fitting a Galvanic Isolator AFTER they see signs of corrosion or anode loss. This is NOT a good idea!! Please don't wait til Survey Time to find you should have fitted a Galvanic Isolator.

With the potential costs of repairing the damage from Galvanic Corrosion running into thousands, it makes sense to protect your boat NOW.

Although Galvanic Isolators sound pretty technical, they're really, really simple to install. You don't need any tools - not even a screwdriver. You just plug the isolator on to the end of your electric hook up cable - it really is THAT simple.

For more info, please...  <ClickHere>